Online Strength & Conditioning

“Take back ownership of your health!”

At Sculpt Lifestyle we intimately understand that at times, life can be a grind. The interaction between both personal and professional goals and responsibilities can create perceived barriers, and our own health is usually one of the first things to be sacrificed in a time crunch. The world is becoming increasingly automated and with it, we are becoming increasingly sedentary, resulting in the rise of and inactivity diseases. Let us join your team to restore balance, and promote wellness in your life! Let us provide you with the education and tools necessary to take back ownership of your health, and have a great time along the way!

family bike

Online Strength and Conditioning Programming [Starting at $199+GST / month] 

We offer individualized online strength and conditioning programming! Here’s how it works:

  1. Contact us and let us know that your interested in online strength and conditioning programming.
  2. We will set up an initial consult to identify goals, and outline how we can minimize barriers and ensure that you have every opportunity to build fitness and feel vibrant again!
  3. To ensure you have the best possible workout experience, email us photos of your workout space, or if its a gym facility in the city, let us know which gym (we have a database of the equipment and spaces) and we can optimize the sequencing of your exercises.
  4. We will create your individualized program accessible online through an app that operates on a variety of platforms.
  5. Your program will have videos with key instruction on how to execute the exercises with proper form, as well as important cues to ensure you are performing your exercises safely.
  6. Communicate or ask questions right within the app.
  7. Begin training and logging your workouts and watch your progress along the way!